Our critics, the fear-mongers among us, refuse to acknowledge that this
is the official position of the Veterinary Medical Community. These same
critics, who have told very bold lies about us, don’t want people to know the
truth. As long as they can perpetuation fear and keep people ignorant, they can
continue their personal agendas to exact revenge on certain other breeders and
to sell over priced soap.
These individuals have sunk so low that they have publically disparaged
the Alopecia X Survey (links below) and the accredited scientist who designed
it and who will be responsible for analysing the data. This is surely proof that their true interest
lies not in the best interest of our breed, but instead in personal agenda.
To these critics I ask you to:
1. Show me one official necropsy report that says the dog died of
Alopecia X.
2. Show me one official veterinary diagnosis that says Alopecia X is
the cause of a birth defect.
3. Show me one published comment by the Veterinary Medical community
that states that Alopecia X is shortening the lifespan of our Pomeranians.
4. Show me one published comment or diagnosis that states that Alopecia
X is proven to cause fertility issues.
5. Show me one published comment or diagnosis which states that any
systemic condition is fully attributable to Alopecia X.
Alopecia X, sometimes called BSD (black skin disease) is a ‘hairloss’
condition which has been known to affect several of the Nordic breeds. It’s
more common in younger males but has presented in females and older dogs. There
are many theories and much confusion surrounding this condition. As the science
progresses, we will learn more about causation and hopefully develop a protocol
for breeders to follow when deciding on mating pairs. Dogs that are affected
with this problem are not sick. They are not in pain and they do not have a
shorter life expectancy than dogs that are not affected.
We believe that too many coat issues are written-off to Alopecia X,
rather than doing adequate and sometimes costly testing. There are too many
inconsistencies in symptoms, age, sex and recoating and therefore we believe
that some of this is due to misdiagnosis. This only adds to the confusion and
certainly to the divisiveness of this issue. As typically defined by the
veterinary establishment, Alopecia X is a characteristic coat loss where there
are no other obvious causes or systemic symptoms.
We are interested in learning more about the health of Pomeranians in
general and the specifics of Alopecia X. The incorrect term “black skin
disease” is often used, and though it may imply to some that the dogs are sick,
the term disease is defined medically as follows: disease /dis•ease/ (di-zez´)
any deviation from or interruption of the normal structure or function of any
body part, organ, or system that is manifested by a characteristic set of
symptoms and signs and whose etiology, pathology, and prognosis may be known or
This does not mean that a dog is sick, or sickly or dying if it is
characterized as “diseased”. Clearly there is a deviation from the normal
coated situation in the structure and function of the hair follicles, whose
etiology is not completely defined. Alopecia X is the correct term and is a
CONDITION that is apparently hereditary that likely relates to improper
signaling in the cell cycle. Dogs can suffer any or all other illnesses
concurrently with Alopecia X. Thus far there has been no evidence that there is
an immune link: there appears not to be one as the condition is
non-inflammatory and despite years of study by vets to determine the cause, no
consistent diagnosis of compromised immunity has been made, or an autoimmune
link. We encourage further study where someone may believe there is a link.
We are not opposed to any conclusion and we have no vested interest in
either the idea that Alopecic dogs are sick or are not sick, we simply would
like the most accurate, up-to-date and supported information on Alopecia X.
Many people state with certainty that these dogs are sick because they have
experienced a sick dog that also has had coat loss. This alone does not prove
there is a link. We are yet to see any confirmed evidence that any specific
illness is linked to true Alopecia X coat loss.
In order to “diagnose” Alopecia X, vets have to do many tests for
hormonal levels, including thyroxine to rule out a thydroid issue, adrenal
hormones to rule out Cushing’s, etc. A skin biopsy can suggest signs that
support the diagnosis of Alopecia X, but there is nothing that is definitive
and solely characteristic of Alopecia X. Rather, it is the lack of an apparent
cause, along with the dermatological evaluation and clinical manifestations
that support a diagnosis of Alopecia X.
Some other conditions that cause hair loss are discussed here, which is a site associated with Dr.
Linda Frank, a leading scientist in the dermatological study of coat loss in
dogs. She is probably the best “expert” on Alopecia X. Dr. Frank confirms on
this site that there “There are no systemic signs associated with this
condition.“ If you see other signs and symptoms you should be looking for a
health-related cause of the coat loss.
To be clear; we are not
advocating that bald dogs are normal. Nor do we wish to see Standard’s change
to include coat loss as a type. No, we believe that our beloved breed is in a
crisis situation and that coat loss is unacceptable. We will not standby
however while inaccurate and unsubstantiated statements are made. Our critics
have made defamatory statements against us, in effort to discredit us while furthering
their own agenda of fear mongering and self promotion. All we ask for is truth.
It is our ardent hope that all Pomeranian breeders world-wide will employ
selective breeding techniques to attempt to reduce instances of Alopecia X, be
open and honest about test and breeding results and to please, also donate to
the research.
Rick and Paul
Below is an extensive list of Veterinary Medical professionals who
state emphatically, in print, that Alopecia X is a COSMETIC aesthetic condition
with no systemic signs.
Where is the list of professionals who state emphatically in print that
it is not?
Mar Vista Animal Medical Center 3850 Grand View Blvd. Los Angeles, CA
90066 (310) 391-6741 “Alopecia X is a cosmetic condition. It may make the dog
look funny, but it does not cause harm.
Wendy C. Brooks, DVM, DABVP Educational Director,
“Alopecia X is a cosmetic condition.
Animal Dermatology Clinic of BC Dr.Charach Dr. Bajwa “Treatment-
Observation without treatment is reasonable because this disease is purely
cosmetic and affected dogs are otherwise healthy.” “This is a cosmetic disease
only that does not affect the dogs quality of life.
Dr. Adelia Ritchie “For many dogs with this disease, there appear to be
no other symptoms and the disease can be regarded as cosmetic.
Proceeding of the NAVC North American Veterinary Conference Jan. 8-12,
2005, Orlando, Florida “This disease is just an aesthetic problem...
Mr David Scarff BVetMed CertSAD MRCVS Dr Rosanna Marsella DVM DipACVD
Prof Linda Frank MS DVM DACVD “Prognosis : good for health since this is a
cosmetic disease but poor for permanent hair regrowth.
Dr. Linda A. Frank “There are no systemic signs associated with this
British Small Animal Veterinary Association BSAVA Manual of Canine and
Feline Endocrinology, 3rd edition “...nothing more than a cosmetic problem.
McKeever Dermatology Clinics, Inc. “Alopecia X does not affect the
animal’s health as the condition is solely cosmetic.”
Paul D. Bloom, DVM “...if a diagnosis of Alopecia X is made then the
client is counseled about the choice in treating a cosmetic disease w/potent
Ron Hines DVM PhD “...only a cosmetic annoyance.
Small Animal Dermatology By Anita Patel, BVM, DVD, MRCVS and Peter J.
Forsythe, BVM&S, DVD, MRCVS “Alopecia X is a benign, essentially cosmetic,
Pomeranians Karla S. Rugh D.V.M. Ph.D. “Since Alopecia X is solely
Pomeranians For Dummies D. Caroline Coile, Ph.D “Alopecia X is mostly a
cosmetic condition.
Patrick Hensel,, DACVD Department of Small Animal Medicine
and Surgery College of Veterinary Medicine University of Georgia Athens, GA
30602 CVC Highlight: Clearing it all up: A review of new dermatology drugs
“While this is not considered a severe disease but more of a cosmetic
Elizabeth Wells, Ph.D. - Michigan State University “Alopecia X is the
name given to a cosmetic condition found primarily in Nordic breeds of dogs, as
well as miniature and toy poodles.
Dr. Howard Silberman – Veterinarian Tri-County Animal Hospital
“Alopecia X is a cosmetic condition.
Index of Diseases Animal Allergy & Dermatology of Colorado 3515
American Dr. Unit A Colorado Springs, CO 80917 “Alopecia X is a cosmetic
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline, Fifth
Edition, Larry P. Tilley and Francis W.K. Smith, Jr. © 2011 John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. “Alopecia X is a cosmetic condition.
There are many many more as any internet search will prove because this
is the official position of the Veterinary Medical community, but this
extensive list of veterinary professionals and publications should be adequate
attribution for our position. The onus is on the naysayer to prove otherwise.
Suggested Reading:
Please participate
in the Alopecia X survey:
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